Love to use social community websites like Wattpad? Wish to explore a more similar platform? Then check out the top 5 Wattpad alternatives for more social engagement. Wattpad, a beautiful and highly interactive social community platform where you can share, read, and write stories that are accessible to the world. It’s a freemium platform where anyone can easily join and share their thoughts, stories, and books.
The platform is especially suitable for those who love to write and want more engagement on the content/story, without spending too much on promotion. The lower package costs you $5 per month, and another one is around $10 per month. If you are addicted to reading, then I suggest you create your own profile on Wattpad. Without wasting time, let’s look at the below mentioned top 5 alternatives to Wattpad.
Top 5 Wattpad Alternatives:
1. Movellas
Movellas, The best social writing platform for the teenager and youngster, here you can share all of your content in the form of a PDF, eBook, story. The multi-category Android apps of Movellas gives you complete freedom to read and write anything with a single touch.
2. Sweek
Sweek, the intelligent social community platform for readers and writers who loves to share thoughts on the content. Here is your chance to improve your content writing skills, with the help of a small contest that was happening on a sweek website, and the winner gets a prize for the excellent content. Easy to access and available to the mobile, you can read your stories, serial, ebooks whenever you like.
3. Commaful
Commaful, The excellent multimedia sharing library, where you can access thousands of daily stories and content. You can easily get connected with the Commaful ios app, and one such useful feature is you can react to the story and share it with the other platforms.
4. Archiveofourown
Archiveofourown is a nonprofit and open source creative social environment that means you don’t have to pay anything to read. You can easily sign up and share your story, and there you will find a variety of categories to share your content, including fandom, anime, movies, tv shows, books, etc.
5. Medium
With the highly interactive platform and having millions of online readers monthly, anyone can share their stories to get worldwide user’s attention. Medium is the only platform that is available for mobile users and allows creative writers to earn money from their work.